Google alerts for the win (way better than mirror gazing)!

Quick tip for Google alerts.  For those of you who haven’t heard of Google alerts ( it is a service by Google that allows you to be notified when new content hits the web.  Pick a topic or a name and when something new is being indexed by Google you will get a notification email. …


Test and measure is the scientific approach and it worked to drag humanity out of ignorance yet I am shocked by how few people use this approach when it comes to their business. A simple way to apply this approach is to look at your websites statistics.  Hands up those people who haven’t looked at …

The most valuable real estate on your site

You are probably familiar with the simple real estate axioms like location, location, location. What a lot of other people don’t realise the same is also true with respect to the screen location and the placement of content on your website.    There have been a number of eye tracking studies performed to understand what people …